Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Discovery calling card

We want present new calling card - Discovery, provided by ACC carrier. This card can be used for call from Canada, USA - Continental. Discovery is a refillable phone card with Permanent PIN option - you can add calling time on-line at any time from phone or using auto-refill feature.

Discovery calling cards not have maintenance or connection fees, service taxes and surcharge is 15%, payphone charge is 99 с. Rounding time is only 1 minute, validity period unlimited. Also you may use PIN Free Access feature if not want enter PIN with every call, just register phone number with Discovery calling card and it’ will recognizing automatically after dialing. You can registered up 10 various telephone numbers.

Discovery calling card provide high quality of connection and lowest calling rates to many countries from USA and Canada. Available Toll Free Access and Local Access numbers that get cheapest rates in your area for overseas and domestic calls.