Wednesday, March 18, 2009

How do online calling cards work?

All that is required for a calling card to work is:

1. PIN
2. Local Access Number

About 5 years ago you would need to scratch surface of your calling card to unveil your PIN number: Today, this same PIN number and local access number can be e-mailed to you instantaneously. See Appendix A for a picture of what you will receive via e-mail.

How to Buy One?

You will need a credit card or a PayPal account to do this. Visit an online retailer and select the card you would like, then add it to your shopping cart and check-out. Once this is done you will receive the calling card instantly via e-mail.

Try a Safe Card First.

So, which is the safest calling card to buy. I think it’s CiCi Calling Card. Once you are familiar with buying cards online, you can become more adventurous, but for now get this one.

The top place to purchase calling cards online in Canada.

I use Phone Card Depot ( because they actually include an image of your calling card with the PIN printed directly onto it. This enables me to print the card and keep it in my wallet like a regular calling card. This company also sends me a PDF of the actual card that I purchased, so I feel I’m getting more than just recycled electrons on a computer screen.